Monday, March 26, 2012

How to run user defined function on sql server 2005

Dear all

I wants to run sql server user defined function when linked two server.

I have linked two sql server.There is one function called getenc().This function created on first server.What i want.I wants to run this user defined function on the second sql server. can any one help me?



You can call the function with [ServerName] .[DatabaseName].[User/Schema Name].[FunctionName].


Just use the select ServerName.DatabaseName.OwnerName.Functionname

i.e Like select IFoundd10.Employee.dbo.getenc()


Don't forget to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helped you.


Thanks for ur reply.

when i try to use this technique i got some error like .

"contains more than the maximum number of prefixes."

Can u help me


Which version of SQL Server are you using ? Can you post some of the details of the 2 servers that you've linked, the function and from where are you trying to execute the function ?


I'm using sql server 2005.

For Example:

We have two sql server named as server1 and server2. These two servers are already linked.

On server1 we have some user defined function.Amoung the function one function called getencf().

What i want .I wants to run function getencf() on server 2 environment.

When i try to execute like servername.Databasename.dbo.functionname.I got some error.

CAn you help me





When i try to execute like servername.Databasename.dbo.functionname.I got some error.

Are you getting the same error ("contains more than the maximum number of prefixes.") which you posted in one of your posts ?

Are you able to run the function from server1 ?


it will e hard due to prefixes number, if your function returns single value try to replace it( or add extra ) stored procedure on the server which will call you function. If your function returns results set try to use OPENQuery to execute it on remote server.

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