Friday, February 24, 2012

How to retrieve Date fields from an Access MDF on VS c++ Net 2005

I Apologize if this isn't the forum to ask this...
I have a MS Access (MDB) file with a table with 2 date fields, i want to read from a dialog on my app (on MS Visual .NET Studio 2005), here's the code I've been using do far:

Code Snippet

if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {


CCommand< CDynamicAccessor > cmd;
CComBSTR query(_T("SELECT NumContrato, NumClie, FechaC, FechaCob, Inversion, NoCobrador, NoVendedor, Total, Plazo, Pagos FROM Contrato"));
CString string(query.m_str);

hr = cmd.MoveFirst();

query=static_cast< BSTR >(cmd.GetValue(1));
CString csres(query.m_str);
query=static_cast< BSTR >(cmd.GetValue(2));
query=static_cast< BSTR >(cmd.GetValue(3));


FechaC, FechaCob, are the two Dates I want to retrieve, but when I debug, it reads a 0 (zero) from the date fields, is there a limitation? can they be read? is there a special way to read them?
> thanks in advance!


I'm not experienced in templates, but it looks strange for me and you should check the type of the returned value.

If your field is of the type Date/Time then I'm not sure that simple casting is correct, since I would expect GetValue to return the pointer into the buffer with the actual data and I presume that the datatype there should be DBTYPE_DATE. Perhaps you need to create a specific accessor and explicitly request conversion to a string type.

|||Thanks A lot this is what i've done:

Code Snippet

DATE *d=(DATE*)(cmd.GetValue(3));

COleDateTime D(*d);


Sorry for the such a noob question you've been helpful! :)!

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