Friday, February 24, 2012

HOW to Retrieve an image from sql server and display it in using "imagemap or i

Ok, the problem is that , i have a field called "Attach" in sql of type image, when selecting it , the field is getting data of type BYTE(). which am being unable to display them on an Image on the panel.

using the following code:

'Dim sel2 As String

'Dim myCom As SqlCommand

'Dim conn As New SqlConnection

'Dim drr As SqlDataReader

'Dim image As System.Drawing.Image

'sel2 = "select * from attach where att_desc = '" & DropDownList1.SelectedItem().Text & "' and doc_code = " & w_doc_code & " and subcode = " & w_doc_subcode & " and doc_num= " & w_doc_num & " "

'conn.ConnectionString = ("server=developer01;uid=sa;password=aims;database=DVPSOC;timeout=45")

'myCom = New SqlCommand(sel2, conn)


'drr = myCom.ExecuteReader()

'If drr.Read Then

' Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

'End If


Am getting an exeption on the following line Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

saying: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid.

knowing that i tried converting using ToString but it's not getting any output then.

thanks for your help.

a example in C# as below:



con = new SqlConnection(constr);
cmd = new SqlCommand("select photopath,Photo from employees where employeeid=14", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (!dr.IsDBNull(1))
byte[] photo = (byte[])dr[1];
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(photo);
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);

catch (Exception ex)


hope can help u a little


Sorry but that is not the answer to the question. picturebox cannot be used in ASP.Net.

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