Here is the stored proc:
ALTER Proc Update_IndividualMoves_GTPhone_NCOAPhone_Differ
Update Results
SET Results.home_phone = Results.NEWPhone,
Results.Address1 = Results.NCOAADDRESS1,
Results.CITY = Results.NCOACITY,
Results.ST = Results.NCOAST,
Results.ZIP_OUT = Results.NCOAZIP5,
Results.ZIP4_OUT = Results.NCOAZ4
Where AddressServiceStatus = 'I' AND home_phone IS NOT NULL AND NEWPhone IS NOT NULL AND home_phone <> NEWPhone
Return @.@.Rowcount
Here is the code from the DAL class that I'm calling the stored procedure from (I'm using the SQL Helper Class.)
Public Shared Function GetAddressIncorrect_HH_GTPhone_NCOAPhone_Differ()
Dim Rowcount As Integer
Dim GlobalConnString As String = AppSettings("ConnectionString")
''Put proc in that gets this data out for household moves that have both
''GTPro and NCOA update phone numbers however they differ. Does not apply
''to DRC donors / < 12 month donors. Update to latest and greatest phone number
''from NCOA listing.Try
Return ExecuteDataset(GlobalConnString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Update_HouseholdMoves_GTPhone_NCOAPhone_Differ", New SqlParameter("@.@.Rowcount", Rowcount))Catch ex As Exception
Throw New ApplicationException("An error occured when calling this stored proc out Update_HouseholdMoves_GTPhone_NCOAPhone_Differ")End Try
End Function
I want to post how many rows were effected in a label that is located on my aspx page through referencing the function above:
What I'm doing is activating the function through an asp:button control and then I want to display the @.@.Rowcount result in the label next to it.
Here is what I have now:
Private Sub cmdHouseholdMove2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdHouseholdMove2.Click
'Dim rowcount As Integer
GetAddressIncorrect_HH_GTPhone_NCOAPhone_Differ(New SqlParameter("@.@.rowcount", lblHouseholdMoves2.Text))
End Sub
If anyone knows how to do this please let me know:
Thanks in advance everyone.
RByou can use an OUTPUT parameter to return the rowcount...check books on line for sample code.
some sample code for retreiving the output parameter from
dim result as integer
myParam = mycommand.CreateParameter()
myParam.ParameterName = "@.result"
myParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
myParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.bigint
result = convert.toint16(mycommand.Parameters("@.result").Value))
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